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People in Hamburg are said to be motivated, and you probably also like to contribute actively to the city. As a neighbour in Hamburg, how can you be of help to others or make use of help in a personal way? This article will give you an overview of assistance offers, voluntary and neighbourhood help in Hamburg more generally – but also of dedicated groups that offer specific help in the seven districts of Hamburg.

In addition to help for senior citizens, children and people with disabilities, you will also find initiatives that help you with everyday challenges, as well as with the particular problems resulting from the Corona pandemic. However, this listing of organizations does not claim to be a complete list.

A group of people studying.
Together, people can achieve more than alone. – Photo:

A short list of more general, neighbourly organizations offering help in Hamburg and the region

  • Arbeiterwohlfahrt Hamburg – AWO im Quartier – Platform to find various offers
  • – Engagement opportunities on the official website of the city of Hamburg
  • Hamburger Freiwilligenagenturen – Platform for the provision of support by volunteers
  • – Platform for the provision of support for neighbours
  • Helfen verbindet – (paid) service platform for the provision of visitors and grocery shopping servicesten
  • Kiekmo-Gruppen Haspa on Facebook – Facebook group for advice, notices or requests for help
  • – Platform for support offers, Germany-wide and in Hamburg
  • Zusammen wir – Information page with projects and contacts for neighbourhood networks and vital urban districts

Furthermore, you can use the Hamburg Engagement Database (Engagement-Datenbank Hamburg) to volunteer for projects in the metropolitan region of Hamburg and the suburbs. Whether it’s through mentoring, community involvement, volunteering during the Social Days or as an individual assistant for projects in the greater Hamburg region – there are many opportunities to work together to shape life in this beautiful city – which is by the way also increasingly plagued by high rents and social injustice.

You can find help from neighbours in all 7 districts of Hamburg – these are the major communities

1. Hamburg-Mitte

Bürger helfen Bürgern e.V. – HelferTeam Rothenburgsort (“Citizens help citizens”)

Contact the offer in Rothenburgsort
By phone +49 (0)40 411 88 690
Via e-mail
On site in Marckmannstraße 25, 20539 Hamburg

Mehrgenerationenhaus der Ev.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde in Schiffbek und Öjendorf (“Multi-generation house of the Protestant church community”)

Contact the services in Billstedt
On the internet
By phone +49 (0)40 714 03 200
Via e-mail
On site in Merkenstraße 4 and Billstedter Hauptstraße 86-90, 22117 Hamburg

Wilhelmsburg solidarisch (“Wilhelmsburg in solidarity”)

Contact the offer in Wilhelmsburg
On the internet
Via e-mail
On site at Fährstraße 48, 21107 Hamburg

2. Altona

Inklusive und vernetzte Nachbarschaft in der Neuen Mitte Altona (Inclusive and connected neighbourhood)

Contact the offer in Neue Mitte Altona
On the internet
By phone +49 (0)40 42 66 69 799
Via e-Mail
On site at Glückel-von-Hameln-Straße 14, 22765 Hamburg

Information and neighbourhood help at the Altonavi

Contact the offer in Altona
On the internet
By phone +49 (0)40 24 43 64 17
Via e-Mail
On site at Großen Bergstraße 189, 22767 Hamburg

At Haus3, neighbourliness is a top priority

Contact the offer in Ottensen
On the internet
By phone +49 (0)40 38 89 98
Via e-Mail
On site at Hospitalstraße 107, 22767 Hamburg-Altona

Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund and altoba team up for the neighbourhood

Contact the offer in Ottensen
On the internet (Altona Savings and Building Society)
By phone +49 (0)40 38 90 10 179
Via e-Mail
On site at Barnerstraße 14a, 22765 Hamburg

3. Eimsbüttel

Saving Eimsbüttel – Neighbours help neighbours

Contact the offer in Eimsbüttel
On the internet
By phone +49 (0)40 55 89 22 41
Via e-Mail

4. Hamburg-Nord

Netzwerk Nachbarschaftshilfe (“Neighbourhood Help Network”)

Contact the offer in Hamburg-Nord
On the internet
By phone +49 (0)40 480 650 12
Via e-Mail

5. Wandsbek

Haus der Nachbarschaft (“Neighbourhood House”)

Contact the offer in Steilshoop
On the internet
By phone +49 (0)40 630 94 10
Via e-Mail
On site at Fehlinghöhe 16, 22309 Hamburg

Die „Machbarschaft“ in Hamburg-Wandsbek

Contact the offer in Wandsbek
On the internet
By phone +49 (0)40 271 63 099
Via e-Mail
On site at Dernauer Straße 27a, 22047 Hamburg

6. Bergedorf

Join the Freiwilligenagentur as a volunteer (“Volunteer Agency”)

Contact the offer in Bergedorf
On the internet
By phone +49 (0)40 725 70 275
Via e-Mail
On site at Gräpelweg 8, 21029 Hamburg

7. Harburg

Nachbarschaft Ahoi (“Neighbourhood Ahoy”)

Contact the offer in Neuwiedenthal
On the internet
By phone +49 (0)40 764 864 50
Via e-Mail
On site at Rehrstieg 22, 21147 Hamburg (next to the DRK Stadtteiltreff in the Rehrstieg Galleria)

“Servicestelle Nachbarschaftshilfe” is dedicated to older people who need care

Zu sehen ist ein älterer Herr
Senioren, die gut in ihrer Nachbarschaft vernetzt sind, fühlen sich im Alter weniger allein. – Foto:

You can contact the service point if you have questions like the following:

  • How can neighbours help people in need of care?
  • How can you insure yourself against unwanted incidents during assistance?
  • Which domestic helpers does the long-term care insurance actually pay for?

Contact the offer in Eimsbüttel
On the internet
By phone +49 (0)40 411 706 21
Via e-Mail
On site at Hoheluftchaussee 145, 20253 Hamburg (im Büro des DRK-Kreisverbandes Hamburg-Eimsbüttel e. V.)

The Hamburger Abendblatt has listed support services specifically oriented towards senior citizens on

Find more information on help offers in Germany in the WirHelfen Magazine.



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